Monday, December 5, 2011

Life after college!

My life after College would be ideal if right out of college I would have an amazing job and apartment in my name. This job would have to pay enough to pay the bills, rent, and have extra money to spend for myself. Everyone would love to be able to live stress free right out of college. However everyone knows that that is not the deal once out. A person out of college usually does not have a great job that they love nor do they live on there own. Many students live back with their parents once out of college. If life was ideal I would have a job working in the field I graduated from, no student loans, and living on my own. That right there is ideal to anyone I think coming straight out of college. Many people don't see that you will probably not get a job dealing in the field that you graduated in until a few years later. Another thing after college that I would love would be a car of my own being able to pay for that instead of my parents. Being able to travel where ever I want would be amazing as well! In this being said for me an ideal life after college would be being able to be independent.

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