Monday, October 31, 2011


"I Will Never Be Your First Kiss . I Will Never Be Your First Love . I'm Not Your First Valentine , First Fight , First Teddy Bear , Or First Date . I'm Not In This To Be Your First Anything ! I Just Want To Be Your Last ! "LAST ONE ♥" The Last Kiss Has To Be Shared With You Along The Ocean Side While Our Feet Mark Foot Prints In The Sand . Leaving Our Love In The Open . Emotions Are Running High & Your Love Is Leaving Me Breathless ! The Last Person I Touch Has To Be You , My Hands Around Your Waist , Holding You So Tightly Against Me ; Thoughts Running Through My Mind , Thinking "How Can I Ever Let YOU Go?" , If Your Love Is What Keeps Me Going ? I Need That Last Eye To Eye Contact , As If Were Speaking But You Hear Nothing . Your Smile Is What I Want To See Last , Your Smile Speaks More Then A Thousands Words , Just Smiling With No Intentions Of Speaking Because I Already Know Deep Down My Love For You Will Always Be "THE LAST ONE" ! I Wanna Shed My Last Tear By Your Side , Showing My Affection On How Strong My Love Is , How I Will Never Let Something Happen To You ! Your The Only One I Want To LAST With , You Have Me Open With All These Feelings That I Can't Control & I Need To Just Have Your Last Thought , Your Last Thought On How Much You Are Willing To Spend Your Last Moment With Me .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


            When I saw my mid-term grades I didn’t think I was doing as bad as I am. I knew that in some classes I was slacking but didn’t think it was that bad. I cant say some only two classes I thought I was doing better in them but I am not doing as well as I would like. I have always been a “A”-“B” student and seeing the grades I have so far in my first year in college is really a eye opener. I can not approach things such as school work the same way I did in high school. Even though I might not like certain subject or classes I must put the same effort I do into it as if it was my favorite. I believe that that is going to be the only way I start to bring those grades up. If not I just wont care about them and leave everything to the last minute then do poorly on the assignment even though sometimes under pressure I come out with better work. For the rest of the semester I want to concentrate a lot on school consider softball is not as time consuming as it was. Yes I might be tired some days but I am just going to have to learn how to do my work ahead of time and night wait till the night before. I noticed that all the time I waited to do an assignment if it was not a big project or something really important for the class I tended to just not do it and go to bed. Now I am going to try and do things a couple of days before they are due so I do not have to stress out the night before hand. 

Coming out of my comfy zone!

            Last year I had to make a speech in front of over 300 people. For me public speaking is nota strong point. I get really nervous and my voice changes it is just a huge mess pretty much. However I had to make this speech not only I had to but I actually wanted to. It was in front of young children that some I coached and seen most of them grow up. The reason why I really wanted to make this speech was because my uncle passed away that same year and him and I had coached in that league for three straight years. He was a huge part in this league, he coach baseball, and basketball and was part of the board for this particular league. So I had to talk about myself and my part in the league, which I played baseball for two years with them and then played basketball for three. But I always had to talk about my uncle and present a PowerPoint that was dedicated to him. This was probably the hardest thing I had to do because not only was I nervous because of the speech I had to make but because this was still a very sensitive subject for me to talk about. I actually started to choke up mid-way of what I was saying about him but I kept my composure and followed through and finished. So yes I think that was a time that I had to go out of my comfort zone a lot and complete a task. Even with my fear of speaking publicly and the topic at hand I presented a very good speech it was not only informing but it was touching well that is the feedback I received afterward.    

Thinking Inside The Game!

this is the link for my project...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Technical difficulties!

During the process of my marvelous video I have not encountered any problems so far. However even the best directors and film makers do so i am preparing myself for it. If anything should occur I have a friend that is excellent with making videos so I do have a back up.

BUT what i do not have is patients to put all the information I have collected so far into smaller context. This part is giving me a lot of trouble because I do not want my audience to get bored so I am trying to find different ways of putting my point across.

Hopefully I can get more ideas for this and it will bring my piece all together. Once I can get that done I will be golden!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Critical thinking in Sports

Critical thinking is not only used in the classroom or work environment. It is also used in sports. Many teams in various sports can have the best players in the world playing for them. However if they can not think critically in there sports they will not be that good. You have to be able to know the game inside and out just not the phsyical part. People think if you are just athletic that you would be good but that is not true. In this book that I looked up it said these things in various sections. At many points in a person life they would like to be a professional athlete but what they don't consider is the about of mental stability and mental strength.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chillaxing in my own world!

For me stress could be a huge factor in my life but thank God I know how to control it. Things can get crazy once in a while but depending on how you handle it is if you break or you get through it. For me one major thing I do is to listen to music. That is the most relaxing thing in the world for me. I commute so the twenty minutes from school to my house are the best twenty minutes ever I blast music and clear my head from everything that happened that day. Another way i relieve stress is by working out. It feels like I put in extra work when I have stress. So for anyone that is looking for something to relieve stress you can possibly consider my ways.

Monday, October 3, 2011

keeping the koodies away!

Every person in this whole entire world would get sick once in a while but depending on how you take care of your body is how you can control how frequent this appears. For example make sure you always wash your hands after you use the bathroom or get them dirty. I know me personally I am a germ freak I always have to wash my hands after everything I do. I really don't know why I'm like that considering i play a sport where I need to get dirty but that is the only reason why I would get dirty just if I am playing. Even after my games or practice i have to go and wash up i can't stay dirty. If I do not take good care of myself I will get sick quick and considering that I am playing and always practicing that would not be good. When I start feeling like I am getting sick the first thing I do is to get vicks and rub it under my throat,chest, and under my nose. I am Puerto Rican and legit everything that is wrong health wise to us it can be fixed with vicks and it really does work! Another thing is that i would take nyquil. I do that for the first couple of days and usually works most of the time. However if that does not work then i will go to the doctors and eave it up to them. So maybe next time you feel something creeping on you, you can use my methods and see if it works for you.