Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coming out of my comfy zone!

            Last year I had to make a speech in front of over 300 people. For me public speaking is nota strong point. I get really nervous and my voice changes it is just a huge mess pretty much. However I had to make this speech not only I had to but I actually wanted to. It was in front of young children that some I coached and seen most of them grow up. The reason why I really wanted to make this speech was because my uncle passed away that same year and him and I had coached in that league for three straight years. He was a huge part in this league, he coach baseball, and basketball and was part of the board for this particular league. So I had to talk about myself and my part in the league, which I played baseball for two years with them and then played basketball for three. But I always had to talk about my uncle and present a PowerPoint that was dedicated to him. This was probably the hardest thing I had to do because not only was I nervous because of the speech I had to make but because this was still a very sensitive subject for me to talk about. I actually started to choke up mid-way of what I was saying about him but I kept my composure and followed through and finished. So yes I think that was a time that I had to go out of my comfort zone a lot and complete a task. Even with my fear of speaking publicly and the topic at hand I presented a very good speech it was not only informing but it was touching well that is the feedback I received afterward.    

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