Monday, October 3, 2011

keeping the koodies away!

Every person in this whole entire world would get sick once in a while but depending on how you take care of your body is how you can control how frequent this appears. For example make sure you always wash your hands after you use the bathroom or get them dirty. I know me personally I am a germ freak I always have to wash my hands after everything I do. I really don't know why I'm like that considering i play a sport where I need to get dirty but that is the only reason why I would get dirty just if I am playing. Even after my games or practice i have to go and wash up i can't stay dirty. If I do not take good care of myself I will get sick quick and considering that I am playing and always practicing that would not be good. When I start feeling like I am getting sick the first thing I do is to get vicks and rub it under my throat,chest, and under my nose. I am Puerto Rican and legit everything that is wrong health wise to us it can be fixed with vicks and it really does work! Another thing is that i would take nyquil. I do that for the first couple of days and usually works most of the time. However if that does not work then i will go to the doctors and eave it up to them. So maybe next time you feel something creeping on you, you can use my methods and see if it works for you.

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