Tuesday, October 25, 2011


            When I saw my mid-term grades I didn’t think I was doing as bad as I am. I knew that in some classes I was slacking but didn’t think it was that bad. I cant say some only two classes I thought I was doing better in them but I am not doing as well as I would like. I have always been a “A”-“B” student and seeing the grades I have so far in my first year in college is really a eye opener. I can not approach things such as school work the same way I did in high school. Even though I might not like certain subject or classes I must put the same effort I do into it as if it was my favorite. I believe that that is going to be the only way I start to bring those grades up. If not I just wont care about them and leave everything to the last minute then do poorly on the assignment even though sometimes under pressure I come out with better work. For the rest of the semester I want to concentrate a lot on school consider softball is not as time consuming as it was. Yes I might be tired some days but I am just going to have to learn how to do my work ahead of time and night wait till the night before. I noticed that all the time I waited to do an assignment if it was not a big project or something really important for the class I tended to just not do it and go to bed. Now I am going to try and do things a couple of days before they are due so I do not have to stress out the night before hand. 

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