Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two For The GAME !

There is one question that I will never get! Why is it that when you're in a relationship and one person is doing something wrong why is it that they start accusing the other person of doing wrong when they aren't even doing anything. Things like this blows my mind. I think its funny because you're accusing your partner because you are doing those things. Therefore it is all in your conscious already. But when they do start playing you, you get mad and become the biggest hypocrite EVER! This question of why a person accuses when they are doing wrong and then gets mad when karma comes back and smacks them in the face is the very question of this blog. I would love to hear some answers !Maybe you have been accused or maybe you where the one accusing. So leave your comments and let me know how you really feel about this matter. Be real because I know most of you know this has happened to you at least once.

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