Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two For The GAME !

There is one question that I will never get! Why is it that when you're in a relationship and one person is doing something wrong why is it that they start accusing the other person of doing wrong when they aren't even doing anything. Things like this blows my mind. I think its funny because you're accusing your partner because you are doing those things. Therefore it is all in your conscious already. But when they do start playing you, you get mad and become the biggest hypocrite EVER! This question of why a person accuses when they are doing wrong and then gets mad when karma comes back and smacks them in the face is the very question of this blog. I would love to hear some answers !Maybe you have been accused or maybe you where the one accusing. So leave your comments and let me know how you really feel about this matter. Be real because I know most of you know this has happened to you at least once.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

campus safari #5

For this safari I attented a football game. They played Pace University and totatlly destroyed them. I went with my team after a pasta party it was fun because I had my team mates there and people I knew outside of the team. This was my first sporting event that I attended as a student here. However I didn't stay for the whole game because I had to drive home but one of my friends told me the final score. I was glad to see that we have a good team maybe now I would go see them play because unlike my high school team they are pretty good.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Time is ticking! Where is it all going?

So for many people in college or a university they have a lot of time to party and do their own thing outside of school. However not I! I am I student athlete and if I'm not in class or study table I am in practice. The only time I have off is when I catch up with my sleeping. I wake up twice a week at 4:45am to be at lifting at 5:55am then one day a week I wake up at 6:00am and the other two days I wake up at 7:00am. On top of that I have practice twice a day with classes all day so yes I need my sleep on my off time. Yes I do a couple of things when I get home one thing is spending time with my family I am very family orientated. However that is only until I fall asleep on them like always because I am so tired. Whenever my friends want to hangout or anything they have to tell me like a week before so I can plan it out on my schedule. That I must say now I have a set schedule for everything even for studying. I have to go to study hall for 5 hours each week that is where I get all my work done. Yes I do work on my own as well but I get most of it done there which I am so grateful for because I am a huge procrastinator. With this mandatory really lets me get my work done. Yes I wish sometimes I had more time for myself but this hard work I know it is all going to pay off at the end.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What do you know about blogs?

This week I started reading Inside The Sneakerbox, it’s a blog that that people come and comment on the particular subject that the blogger is talking about that day. If you are into sneakers then this is a blog you should defiantly read. I love sneakers that is why I started reading it. Honestly I didn’t think I was going to find a blog I liked but this one I actually did! I loved reading about all these different things people thought about each particular subject he talked about each blog. The thing that caught my eye was the way he gave the readers a lot to feed off of to continue the blogs and take them even further then he did.  There is so much more to a sneaker then just its style. You can go back into history and see were this sneaker originated from and how it became so famous. Many people go off of what is in style right now but I think a real sneaker head will buy a sneaker that he or she likes. Its not all about what is in style right now you can read a lot of this on this blog. People either throw it back way back or come out with something no one ever saw. I love how things that you rock out can show your personality when I wear my sneakers I don’t just wear them just to wear them. I wear them to make a statement and it  shows off in some sense how I am as a person. So if you are interested in how people think about sneakers maybe you will go to this blog and go browse through it maybe something will catch your eye! Maybe it will inspire you to be a sneaker head or maybe you are and you just don’t know it! 

The second blog that interest me was 13th witness, this blog is mostly pictures not that much writing. I think a picture sometimes speaks louder then words. This blog is mostly pictures of New York, I loved it because I have always wanted to live in the city. These pictures that this guy has taken some are mind blowing, you think to yourself how can you get shots like that. Photography always intrigued me so for me I always really look deep into photos. There is a big different between the first blog and the second blog I read this one to me is more like you write on what you feel about the picture you take it as you want it. Unlike the first one that you get someone’s perspective about a topic first and maybe someone’s perspective might change your mind about something or maybe not who knows only you do. So I realized that blogging comes in many different forms not only on ones thoughts writing it down you can always show how you are feeling within just one photo.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Make it Through College Work

When in college you are overwhelmed with all the workload, well I know I am right now. Things might not go the way you planned it to go or maybe things just aren’t working out. Doesn’t matter what is going on you need to get all your work done to be able to reach that goal you want. You have to have strategies on how you are going to do your work and have time for yourself. Yes everyone wants to do excellent in school but if you don’t have time to yourself you are just going to over stress yourself. Therefore you need to manage your time. I’m not saying put partying first but you have to have some fun! Come on we are in college now.  The person that manages to do all their work and still have fun will have the most success to me when they are older. You cannot be so uptight with things you need to sometimes loosing up and have fun. Regardless you have to work hard in what you do because if you don’t, who will?  Becoming a person that can work hard, be efficient, and also have fun is the best thing that you can become. You should also be the best time manager when you get out of your four or how many years of college. You should plan for study time not just wait and when you think you are going have time just go do it. I think that you should try to do your work whenever you have free time because you wont stress it when all of it is due. Block off hours if you need to for just studying and getting your work done. If you don’t have anything to do for that week and you have already have time blocked do work for next week always think ahead.  So with that said I think if you are working hard, keeping your time proportioned, and learning something new that you will make it through your college years. 

How to Make it Through College Work

When in college you are overwhelmed with all the workload, well I know I am right now. Things might not go the way you planned it to go or maybe things just aren’t working out. Doesn’t matter what is going on you need to get all your work done to be able to reach that goal you want. You have to have strategies on how you are going to do your work and have time for yourself. Yes everyone wants to do excellent in school but if you don’t have time to yourself you are just going to over stress yourself. Therefore you need to manage your time. I’m not saying put partying first but you have to have some fun! Come on we are in college now.  The person that manages to do all their work and still have fun will have the most success to me when they are older. You cannot be so uptight with things you need to sometimes loosing up and have fun. Regardless you have to work hard in what you do because if you don’t, who will?  Becoming a person that can work hard, be efficient, and also have fun is the best thing that you can become. You should also be the best time manager when you get out of your four or how many years of college. You should plan for study time not just wait and when you think you are going have time just go do it. I think that you should try to do your work whenever you have free time because you wont stress it when all of it is due. Block off hours if you need to for just studying and getting your work done. If you don’t have anything to do for that week and you have already have time blocked do work for next week always think ahead.  So with that said I think if you are working hard, keeping your time proportioned, and learning something new that you will make it through your college years. 

Self-motivation in new ways

            In reading this article of psychologist doing a study on how people reading Kafka’s works enhanced learning abilities really shocked me. One would think that the people that were given the short story would be more accurate in making more corrections. However they were not the ones, the people that were given the nonsensical how more accurate corrections.  That is pretty hard to do knowing that that reading had a series of disturbing events. In this study it showed how these people were clearly more motivated then the others. Which is true for most people. When a task is put in front of you that you are unfamiliar with or it is difficult most people try to get it done and put more effort into it. People strive to make sense of things when they are uncomfortable or are in awkward positions. This study showed exactly that so personally I think challenging yourself will just make you a better and smarter person. So I encourage people to keep testing themselves with challenges everyday. Are you going to take time out of your day to challenge yourself a little more then the previous day? 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What does college mean to me.

College is just not the time you become free and party all the time, but college is a experience where you come into your own. Many think of the college experience of just living on your own and partying 24/7. However what they don’t know that it is so much more you become independent you finally develop into that person you always knew you were. I know personally this has made me more independent not going to lie my parents did almost everything for me I am the only child so obviously they are going to spoil me but to a certain extent. I always had to work for everything I got yes I didn’t have a job but I worked hard in school to make sure my grades stood up to where they where suppose to be.  So with always working hard in school I know that academically I am going to try my best at everything. In the social area I thin I am pretty good I expect to meet a whole lot of new people and I am excited for that. You never know who you can meet in a whole full four years in a university.  You could potentially even meet that one person that takes your heart and you marry them. You never know what is in store for your future. In the case of SCSU I know that the education here is very good. Why do you think I picked to come here? I recall in orientation all they talked about was how it is a huge family here and yes you can see that.  You can see that all over campus even in the classrooms with the professors. All of the professors are here to help you with whatever you need help with. Which is great because when thinking about accomplishing my goals I know I am not going be able to do it all alone. I am going to need help from my professors and coaches to get where I want to go. I expect myself to do the absolute best that I can this semester in all my classes.  So far I see that all my classes are going to challenge my brain to do some work which I am glad because I would be pretty upset if I was sitting in a class bored out of my mind because I already knew the material. Yes college is something that coming into it was a little frightening but I am glad I am somewhere I feel comfortable and know I am going to work hard to get to where I want to be.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

Someone you can say relates to this Vibrant Personality. Charismatic, Exquisite, Outspoken, Funny, Lover. People say being outspoken is a good thing. I mean personally when your words are heard more then just smiling & nodding to things its more understandable. Sometimes your voice has to be heard to let the world know how you feel about things. Actually besides actions taking the biggest role, your words are needed. I think the fact that I am an outspoken person gives me chances that others can't receive. Only because they choose to be forced in the background, hiding behind other heads. Hiding from what the world brings gets you nowhere. So next time you see yourself as the big guy or petite girl sitting away from the crowd avoiding eye contact, go for it speak your mind, let the Words You Speak become an illusion in other peoples heads. Such Only People Have These Traits! Example, my leadership skills overwhelm many. I'm very charismatic. This isn't just something you find in anyone, I often have the ability to inspire; inspire in people zeal and loyalty towards themselves. My charm is magnetic. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not a cocky person but I do believe I have a great way of persuading people. Per-say when I direct myself to ones attention I come at them very sophisticated, I think that having interpersonal skills is a huge plus! Although my confidence is quiet I evoke such strong emotional reactions in people. Being who you are is so important! The Way I dress is important to me. I'm an exquisite person! My style is unique, fashion is important to me. It's how I let people know my sense of taste. Not only being beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. Like they say a horrible personality destroys a gorgeous face. My personality is individual, One of a kind. Humor makes me who I am as well. Kicking back, hanging with friends & making them laugh is a great time for me. I'm a bit of a clown every now & then. If your wondering "Oh, so your the one who disrupts the entire class just to throw in some laughs?, well yes that would be me. However its harmless fun. Example, Hmm if I see someone down or not themselves ill try & be the clown I am & make them laugh just to get a smile out. Being an all around outgoing person doesn’t just make makes who you are, it defines you. My point of view & as others may tell you I'm a lover not a fighter. I have a heavy heart, soft for those who are in pain. When people who are close to me are in need I'm there. My love is strong. I think fighting for what you don't really want, at the end its not worth anything. Therefore being said if your willing to fight, well put a fight up for love. Many people are heartless & don't care to much to express themselves in ways that I do. Although many people might think that hiding your true emotions is better then sharing, its not! It's always better to be heard then unheard. Don't be that low self-esteem person, who chooses not to have friends because sometimes having company is better then being alone. You always need someone to take the weight off. So be open, take chances & let people get to know you for who you really are. In other words, I believe these subjects of words describe my personal being & personality.