Monday, September 26, 2011

Time is ticking! Where is it all going?

So for many people in college or a university they have a lot of time to party and do their own thing outside of school. However not I! I am I student athlete and if I'm not in class or study table I am in practice. The only time I have off is when I catch up with my sleeping. I wake up twice a week at 4:45am to be at lifting at 5:55am then one day a week I wake up at 6:00am and the other two days I wake up at 7:00am. On top of that I have practice twice a day with classes all day so yes I need my sleep on my off time. Yes I do a couple of things when I get home one thing is spending time with my family I am very family orientated. However that is only until I fall asleep on them like always because I am so tired. Whenever my friends want to hangout or anything they have to tell me like a week before so I can plan it out on my schedule. That I must say now I have a set schedule for everything even for studying. I have to go to study hall for 5 hours each week that is where I get all my work done. Yes I do work on my own as well but I get most of it done there which I am so grateful for because I am a huge procrastinator. With this mandatory really lets me get my work done. Yes I wish sometimes I had more time for myself but this hard work I know it is all going to pay off at the end.  

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