Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Make it Through College Work

When in college you are overwhelmed with all the workload, well I know I am right now. Things might not go the way you planned it to go or maybe things just aren’t working out. Doesn’t matter what is going on you need to get all your work done to be able to reach that goal you want. You have to have strategies on how you are going to do your work and have time for yourself. Yes everyone wants to do excellent in school but if you don’t have time to yourself you are just going to over stress yourself. Therefore you need to manage your time. I’m not saying put partying first but you have to have some fun! Come on we are in college now.  The person that manages to do all their work and still have fun will have the most success to me when they are older. You cannot be so uptight with things you need to sometimes loosing up and have fun. Regardless you have to work hard in what you do because if you don’t, who will?  Becoming a person that can work hard, be efficient, and also have fun is the best thing that you can become. You should also be the best time manager when you get out of your four or how many years of college. You should plan for study time not just wait and when you think you are going have time just go do it. I think that you should try to do your work whenever you have free time because you wont stress it when all of it is due. Block off hours if you need to for just studying and getting your work done. If you don’t have anything to do for that week and you have already have time blocked do work for next week always think ahead.  So with that said I think if you are working hard, keeping your time proportioned, and learning something new that you will make it through your college years. 

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