Monday, September 5, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

Someone you can say relates to this Vibrant Personality. Charismatic, Exquisite, Outspoken, Funny, Lover. People say being outspoken is a good thing. I mean personally when your words are heard more then just smiling & nodding to things its more understandable. Sometimes your voice has to be heard to let the world know how you feel about things. Actually besides actions taking the biggest role, your words are needed. I think the fact that I am an outspoken person gives me chances that others can't receive. Only because they choose to be forced in the background, hiding behind other heads. Hiding from what the world brings gets you nowhere. So next time you see yourself as the big guy or petite girl sitting away from the crowd avoiding eye contact, go for it speak your mind, let the Words You Speak become an illusion in other peoples heads. Such Only People Have These Traits! Example, my leadership skills overwhelm many. I'm very charismatic. This isn't just something you find in anyone, I often have the ability to inspire; inspire in people zeal and loyalty towards themselves. My charm is magnetic. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not a cocky person but I do believe I have a great way of persuading people. Per-say when I direct myself to ones attention I come at them very sophisticated, I think that having interpersonal skills is a huge plus! Although my confidence is quiet I evoke such strong emotional reactions in people. Being who you are is so important! The Way I dress is important to me. I'm an exquisite person! My style is unique, fashion is important to me. It's how I let people know my sense of taste. Not only being beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. Like they say a horrible personality destroys a gorgeous face. My personality is individual, One of a kind. Humor makes me who I am as well. Kicking back, hanging with friends & making them laugh is a great time for me. I'm a bit of a clown every now & then. If your wondering "Oh, so your the one who disrupts the entire class just to throw in some laughs?, well yes that would be me. However its harmless fun. Example, Hmm if I see someone down or not themselves ill try & be the clown I am & make them laugh just to get a smile out. Being an all around outgoing person doesn’t just make makes who you are, it defines you. My point of view & as others may tell you I'm a lover not a fighter. I have a heavy heart, soft for those who are in pain. When people who are close to me are in need I'm there. My love is strong. I think fighting for what you don't really want, at the end its not worth anything. Therefore being said if your willing to fight, well put a fight up for love. Many people are heartless & don't care to much to express themselves in ways that I do. Although many people might think that hiding your true emotions is better then sharing, its not! It's always better to be heard then unheard. Don't be that low self-esteem person, who chooses not to have friends because sometimes having company is better then being alone. You always need someone to take the weight off. So be open, take chances & let people get to know you for who you really are. In other words, I believe these subjects of words describe my personal being & personality.

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