Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What does college mean to me.

College is just not the time you become free and party all the time, but college is a experience where you come into your own. Many think of the college experience of just living on your own and partying 24/7. However what they don’t know that it is so much more you become independent you finally develop into that person you always knew you were. I know personally this has made me more independent not going to lie my parents did almost everything for me I am the only child so obviously they are going to spoil me but to a certain extent. I always had to work for everything I got yes I didn’t have a job but I worked hard in school to make sure my grades stood up to where they where suppose to be.  So with always working hard in school I know that academically I am going to try my best at everything. In the social area I thin I am pretty good I expect to meet a whole lot of new people and I am excited for that. You never know who you can meet in a whole full four years in a university.  You could potentially even meet that one person that takes your heart and you marry them. You never know what is in store for your future. In the case of SCSU I know that the education here is very good. Why do you think I picked to come here? I recall in orientation all they talked about was how it is a huge family here and yes you can see that.  You can see that all over campus even in the classrooms with the professors. All of the professors are here to help you with whatever you need help with. Which is great because when thinking about accomplishing my goals I know I am not going be able to do it all alone. I am going to need help from my professors and coaches to get where I want to go. I expect myself to do the absolute best that I can this semester in all my classes.  So far I see that all my classes are going to challenge my brain to do some work which I am glad because I would be pretty upset if I was sitting in a class bored out of my mind because I already knew the material. Yes college is something that coming into it was a little frightening but I am glad I am somewhere I feel comfortable and know I am going to work hard to get to where I want to be.

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