Monday, December 19, 2011

Final Project

I wasn't able to do the project I originally wanted to but I think it still came out good hope you like it !! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Self assesment

As a freshman at Southern Connecticut State University I have learned so much about myself as a person. I grew up out of that depending on mommy and daddy stage. Not only am I more independent at home with money I am more independent in my studies. I have learned that college is not like high school. You cannot slide by you have to do all your work and show up to class because the smallest thing might hurt you the most. It is crazy because I knew that yes doing my work was important but I prioritized things in school other then putting the same effort into each and ever one of my subjects. Honestly my challenge of the year was time management. My time management was horrible! In the beginning of the year I was playing softball for the women’s team at school however that was not working out with me. I grew as a person and realized that playing wasn’t for me anymore. It took up to much time that did not have any benefits for me other then that I loved to play. But just like many others in life they have to give up things they love to make a better living for themselves. Yes I might kick myself in the behind later in life but right now it felt like the right choice to make. Not only was it a big time consumer for me but it put so much stress on me and my grades were dropping due to this so I decided to put school first which I should have done in the first place. For me leaving the sport I loved so much hurt a lot but has honestly changed my life. I got my first job and I am saving up money to get a apartment by the winter of next year. With getting a job and not playing softball I had a lot more time for school work. However all my time went into my two main courses because I didn’t think the other classes were really going to do anything for me. But what I didn’t realize was that doing that would potentially make me have to repeat a course which I really did not enjoy in the first place. Most of my classes have been very good in my learning process however there is one that really did not do anything for me. That only class is the one I think I am going to fail because it did not grab my attention it really did not grasp me like my other classes. I think I should have put more time into that class though because of that I think my goals for this year will not be met for this semester. However  the thing that really was messing me up this semester was my time management that really did killed me. I plan next semester to do big project and all homework at least two or more days before they are due. I do not want the fact of me working kill everything I have worked so hard to do in my past years of schooling. I really hope that next semester is very different that I put a equal amount of time in all my subjects. This first semester was very rocking for me from me moving out of dorming to then stopping softball to getting a job there was many changes for me this year. I have not only learned academically but I have learned so much that is so essential in life. So I must say the first semester of college was VERY REAL!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Life after college!

My life after College would be ideal if right out of college I would have an amazing job and apartment in my name. This job would have to pay enough to pay the bills, rent, and have extra money to spend for myself. Everyone would love to be able to live stress free right out of college. However everyone knows that that is not the deal once out. A person out of college usually does not have a great job that they love nor do they live on there own. Many students live back with their parents once out of college. If life was ideal I would have a job working in the field I graduated from, no student loans, and living on my own. That right there is ideal to anyone I think coming straight out of college. Many people don't see that you will probably not get a job dealing in the field that you graduated in until a few years later. Another thing after college that I would love would be a car of my own being able to pay for that instead of my parents. Being able to travel where ever I want would be amazing as well! In this being said for me an ideal life after college would be being able to be independent.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Final hooray

This will be make it or break it time! In my final presentation I will be speaking about the pros and cons of commuting. There is a lot if things to touch on this subject. One of many is having a job against staying on campus and not getting your own money. Yes it can be hard to commute at times but for some people it is very beneficial. As for me I use to live in the dorm and that was not for me so I moved back home and started to commute. I rather commute any day then stay in those dorms. I guess forming wasn't for me which for some people it is not. People say that commuting is the worst thing ever but it is really not ! I know plenty of people that commute and not only do you have a car, most people have a job, but you are also saving a lot of money to go to school. There is such a huge difference in the tuition from people that live on campus versus the people that commute. So I will be touching on those three main points in my video come back and see the final project I promise you it will be worth it!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bilingual speakers

Personally, learning more then just your basic language (English) is great. Schools should definitely keep this in mind. It's Important knowing more then just one language. The most common language is Spanish. I've noticed how mostly every work place has a bilingual person working for there company. That reason is because theres a high rate of Hispanics in America today. In the work force knowing another language defiantly gives you a edge over other candidates. How Spanish is not the only language that can be beneficial to you in a work place or in the running for a job, you also have French, Japanese , and Portuguese which are all big also. Due to all these I agree that yes universities and highs schools should have language courses. There are not that many cons against knowing another language on the contrary it has many pros. Many people don't really look into that they just say " oh this is hard and a waste of time" but no knowing another language will get you alot closer to where you want to be at the end of the day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Open Mic Night?!

One thing that has had my interest for a very long time is poetry. I just love poetry I love to read it, write it, and I love to hear it. I love how words can just make such an impression on people, it can move them and it can also lead them in the right direction. Many people don’t see how much words really influence other people.  I love to hear people that have been through things say their poems and the ones that actually get really into it I think they are the best. I will love to be able to grow some and be able to stand in front of people and read my poetry. Maybe one day I will but that is definitely one of my goals to do one day in my life. I remember the first day of orientation here at Southern Connecticut State University there was one girl that read a poem I think that was the only thing I really remember from that day. It really moved me the way she said it and the way she manipulated the words so you can feel each and every one of them. I think they should really have more poetry classes. Or even like a open mic night here for people that want to express themselves with poetry or other things such as painting. I know I would love that I think many other students would appreciate something of those sorts here. Maybe it can happen once a month or maybe even once a week. This would be something else that the students at Southern Connecticut State University can enjoy together as community. Well that is one of my interest that I think links to our community at SCSU. Now you tell me what do you think about this idea of having open mic night!

Monday, October 31, 2011


"I Will Never Be Your First Kiss . I Will Never Be Your First Love . I'm Not Your First Valentine , First Fight , First Teddy Bear , Or First Date . I'm Not In This To Be Your First Anything ! I Just Want To Be Your Last ! "LAST ONE ♥" The Last Kiss Has To Be Shared With You Along The Ocean Side While Our Feet Mark Foot Prints In The Sand . Leaving Our Love In The Open . Emotions Are Running High & Your Love Is Leaving Me Breathless ! The Last Person I Touch Has To Be You , My Hands Around Your Waist , Holding You So Tightly Against Me ; Thoughts Running Through My Mind , Thinking "How Can I Ever Let YOU Go?" , If Your Love Is What Keeps Me Going ? I Need That Last Eye To Eye Contact , As If Were Speaking But You Hear Nothing . Your Smile Is What I Want To See Last , Your Smile Speaks More Then A Thousands Words , Just Smiling With No Intentions Of Speaking Because I Already Know Deep Down My Love For You Will Always Be "THE LAST ONE" ! I Wanna Shed My Last Tear By Your Side , Showing My Affection On How Strong My Love Is , How I Will Never Let Something Happen To You ! Your The Only One I Want To LAST With , You Have Me Open With All These Feelings That I Can't Control & I Need To Just Have Your Last Thought , Your Last Thought On How Much You Are Willing To Spend Your Last Moment With Me .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


            When I saw my mid-term grades I didn’t think I was doing as bad as I am. I knew that in some classes I was slacking but didn’t think it was that bad. I cant say some only two classes I thought I was doing better in them but I am not doing as well as I would like. I have always been a “A”-“B” student and seeing the grades I have so far in my first year in college is really a eye opener. I can not approach things such as school work the same way I did in high school. Even though I might not like certain subject or classes I must put the same effort I do into it as if it was my favorite. I believe that that is going to be the only way I start to bring those grades up. If not I just wont care about them and leave everything to the last minute then do poorly on the assignment even though sometimes under pressure I come out with better work. For the rest of the semester I want to concentrate a lot on school consider softball is not as time consuming as it was. Yes I might be tired some days but I am just going to have to learn how to do my work ahead of time and night wait till the night before. I noticed that all the time I waited to do an assignment if it was not a big project or something really important for the class I tended to just not do it and go to bed. Now I am going to try and do things a couple of days before they are due so I do not have to stress out the night before hand. 

Coming out of my comfy zone!

            Last year I had to make a speech in front of over 300 people. For me public speaking is nota strong point. I get really nervous and my voice changes it is just a huge mess pretty much. However I had to make this speech not only I had to but I actually wanted to. It was in front of young children that some I coached and seen most of them grow up. The reason why I really wanted to make this speech was because my uncle passed away that same year and him and I had coached in that league for three straight years. He was a huge part in this league, he coach baseball, and basketball and was part of the board for this particular league. So I had to talk about myself and my part in the league, which I played baseball for two years with them and then played basketball for three. But I always had to talk about my uncle and present a PowerPoint that was dedicated to him. This was probably the hardest thing I had to do because not only was I nervous because of the speech I had to make but because this was still a very sensitive subject for me to talk about. I actually started to choke up mid-way of what I was saying about him but I kept my composure and followed through and finished. So yes I think that was a time that I had to go out of my comfort zone a lot and complete a task. Even with my fear of speaking publicly and the topic at hand I presented a very good speech it was not only informing but it was touching well that is the feedback I received afterward.    

Thinking Inside The Game!

this is the link for my project...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Technical difficulties!

During the process of my marvelous video I have not encountered any problems so far. However even the best directors and film makers do so i am preparing myself for it. If anything should occur I have a friend that is excellent with making videos so I do have a back up.

BUT what i do not have is patients to put all the information I have collected so far into smaller context. This part is giving me a lot of trouble because I do not want my audience to get bored so I am trying to find different ways of putting my point across.

Hopefully I can get more ideas for this and it will bring my piece all together. Once I can get that done I will be golden!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Critical thinking in Sports

Critical thinking is not only used in the classroom or work environment. It is also used in sports. Many teams in various sports can have the best players in the world playing for them. However if they can not think critically in there sports they will not be that good. You have to be able to know the game inside and out just not the phsyical part. People think if you are just athletic that you would be good but that is not true. In this book that I looked up it said these things in various sections. At many points in a person life they would like to be a professional athlete but what they don't consider is the about of mental stability and mental strength.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chillaxing in my own world!

For me stress could be a huge factor in my life but thank God I know how to control it. Things can get crazy once in a while but depending on how you handle it is if you break or you get through it. For me one major thing I do is to listen to music. That is the most relaxing thing in the world for me. I commute so the twenty minutes from school to my house are the best twenty minutes ever I blast music and clear my head from everything that happened that day. Another way i relieve stress is by working out. It feels like I put in extra work when I have stress. So for anyone that is looking for something to relieve stress you can possibly consider my ways.

Monday, October 3, 2011

keeping the koodies away!

Every person in this whole entire world would get sick once in a while but depending on how you take care of your body is how you can control how frequent this appears. For example make sure you always wash your hands after you use the bathroom or get them dirty. I know me personally I am a germ freak I always have to wash my hands after everything I do. I really don't know why I'm like that considering i play a sport where I need to get dirty but that is the only reason why I would get dirty just if I am playing. Even after my games or practice i have to go and wash up i can't stay dirty. If I do not take good care of myself I will get sick quick and considering that I am playing and always practicing that would not be good. When I start feeling like I am getting sick the first thing I do is to get vicks and rub it under my throat,chest, and under my nose. I am Puerto Rican and legit everything that is wrong health wise to us it can be fixed with vicks and it really does work! Another thing is that i would take nyquil. I do that for the first couple of days and usually works most of the time. However if that does not work then i will go to the doctors and eave it up to them. So maybe next time you feel something creeping on you, you can use my methods and see if it works for you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two For The GAME !

There is one question that I will never get! Why is it that when you're in a relationship and one person is doing something wrong why is it that they start accusing the other person of doing wrong when they aren't even doing anything. Things like this blows my mind. I think its funny because you're accusing your partner because you are doing those things. Therefore it is all in your conscious already. But when they do start playing you, you get mad and become the biggest hypocrite EVER! This question of why a person accuses when they are doing wrong and then gets mad when karma comes back and smacks them in the face is the very question of this blog. I would love to hear some answers !Maybe you have been accused or maybe you where the one accusing. So leave your comments and let me know how you really feel about this matter. Be real because I know most of you know this has happened to you at least once.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

campus safari #5

For this safari I attented a football game. They played Pace University and totatlly destroyed them. I went with my team after a pasta party it was fun because I had my team mates there and people I knew outside of the team. This was my first sporting event that I attended as a student here. However I didn't stay for the whole game because I had to drive home but one of my friends told me the final score. I was glad to see that we have a good team maybe now I would go see them play because unlike my high school team they are pretty good.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Time is ticking! Where is it all going?

So for many people in college or a university they have a lot of time to party and do their own thing outside of school. However not I! I am I student athlete and if I'm not in class or study table I am in practice. The only time I have off is when I catch up with my sleeping. I wake up twice a week at 4:45am to be at lifting at 5:55am then one day a week I wake up at 6:00am and the other two days I wake up at 7:00am. On top of that I have practice twice a day with classes all day so yes I need my sleep on my off time. Yes I do a couple of things when I get home one thing is spending time with my family I am very family orientated. However that is only until I fall asleep on them like always because I am so tired. Whenever my friends want to hangout or anything they have to tell me like a week before so I can plan it out on my schedule. That I must say now I have a set schedule for everything even for studying. I have to go to study hall for 5 hours each week that is where I get all my work done. Yes I do work on my own as well but I get most of it done there which I am so grateful for because I am a huge procrastinator. With this mandatory really lets me get my work done. Yes I wish sometimes I had more time for myself but this hard work I know it is all going to pay off at the end.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What do you know about blogs?

This week I started reading Inside The Sneakerbox, it’s a blog that that people come and comment on the particular subject that the blogger is talking about that day. If you are into sneakers then this is a blog you should defiantly read. I love sneakers that is why I started reading it. Honestly I didn’t think I was going to find a blog I liked but this one I actually did! I loved reading about all these different things people thought about each particular subject he talked about each blog. The thing that caught my eye was the way he gave the readers a lot to feed off of to continue the blogs and take them even further then he did.  There is so much more to a sneaker then just its style. You can go back into history and see were this sneaker originated from and how it became so famous. Many people go off of what is in style right now but I think a real sneaker head will buy a sneaker that he or she likes. Its not all about what is in style right now you can read a lot of this on this blog. People either throw it back way back or come out with something no one ever saw. I love how things that you rock out can show your personality when I wear my sneakers I don’t just wear them just to wear them. I wear them to make a statement and it  shows off in some sense how I am as a person. So if you are interested in how people think about sneakers maybe you will go to this blog and go browse through it maybe something will catch your eye! Maybe it will inspire you to be a sneaker head or maybe you are and you just don’t know it! 

The second blog that interest me was 13th witness, this blog is mostly pictures not that much writing. I think a picture sometimes speaks louder then words. This blog is mostly pictures of New York, I loved it because I have always wanted to live in the city. These pictures that this guy has taken some are mind blowing, you think to yourself how can you get shots like that. Photography always intrigued me so for me I always really look deep into photos. There is a big different between the first blog and the second blog I read this one to me is more like you write on what you feel about the picture you take it as you want it. Unlike the first one that you get someone’s perspective about a topic first and maybe someone’s perspective might change your mind about something or maybe not who knows only you do. So I realized that blogging comes in many different forms not only on ones thoughts writing it down you can always show how you are feeling within just one photo.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Make it Through College Work

When in college you are overwhelmed with all the workload, well I know I am right now. Things might not go the way you planned it to go or maybe things just aren’t working out. Doesn’t matter what is going on you need to get all your work done to be able to reach that goal you want. You have to have strategies on how you are going to do your work and have time for yourself. Yes everyone wants to do excellent in school but if you don’t have time to yourself you are just going to over stress yourself. Therefore you need to manage your time. I’m not saying put partying first but you have to have some fun! Come on we are in college now.  The person that manages to do all their work and still have fun will have the most success to me when they are older. You cannot be so uptight with things you need to sometimes loosing up and have fun. Regardless you have to work hard in what you do because if you don’t, who will?  Becoming a person that can work hard, be efficient, and also have fun is the best thing that you can become. You should also be the best time manager when you get out of your four or how many years of college. You should plan for study time not just wait and when you think you are going have time just go do it. I think that you should try to do your work whenever you have free time because you wont stress it when all of it is due. Block off hours if you need to for just studying and getting your work done. If you don’t have anything to do for that week and you have already have time blocked do work for next week always think ahead.  So with that said I think if you are working hard, keeping your time proportioned, and learning something new that you will make it through your college years. 

How to Make it Through College Work

When in college you are overwhelmed with all the workload, well I know I am right now. Things might not go the way you planned it to go or maybe things just aren’t working out. Doesn’t matter what is going on you need to get all your work done to be able to reach that goal you want. You have to have strategies on how you are going to do your work and have time for yourself. Yes everyone wants to do excellent in school but if you don’t have time to yourself you are just going to over stress yourself. Therefore you need to manage your time. I’m not saying put partying first but you have to have some fun! Come on we are in college now.  The person that manages to do all their work and still have fun will have the most success to me when they are older. You cannot be so uptight with things you need to sometimes loosing up and have fun. Regardless you have to work hard in what you do because if you don’t, who will?  Becoming a person that can work hard, be efficient, and also have fun is the best thing that you can become. You should also be the best time manager when you get out of your four or how many years of college. You should plan for study time not just wait and when you think you are going have time just go do it. I think that you should try to do your work whenever you have free time because you wont stress it when all of it is due. Block off hours if you need to for just studying and getting your work done. If you don’t have anything to do for that week and you have already have time blocked do work for next week always think ahead.  So with that said I think if you are working hard, keeping your time proportioned, and learning something new that you will make it through your college years.